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How to Clean Port Hole Glass

The importance of cleaning the glass properly is to ensure the highest performance and the highest transmission of light. 
You will need: 

Good lighting 
The room should be well lit,If there is not enough sufficient lighting, a flashlight may be held to show dust particles

Spray bottle of Isopropyl Allsohol Available at local drugstore-70%, 90% & 99% acceptable 

100% Cotton Cloths
100% Pure Cotton-Make sure cloths are totally clean
Step 1: 
Dust Use cloth 1 to dust off glass. (Reason: the same way a dusty shelf needs to be dry wiped before a liquid is used to clean, so to the glass needs to be dusted off. This avoids streaking on the glass.

Step 2: 
Spray and Wipe Spray 4 or 5 sprays of the 70% Isopropyl alcohol on the section you are cleaning. Fold the second cloth in half or in quarters so the surface will be evenly cleaned. Wipe sprayed area with folded cloth. Use consistency in wiping, stick with up and down or side to side, don't switch it up mid clean. Apply a medium amount of pressure when scrubbing. 

Step 3: 
Dry Wipe Immediately after finishing step 2, take the 3rd cloth and use it to wipe up the dirt that is left over from the step 2 cleaning. It is important that this step is also done in the same direction and done across the full distance of the section you are cleaning. If you are having trouble getting the full piece of glass to be streak-less, make sure the area where light will be projected through (the light footprint on the glass) does not have any streaks

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